Fahimeh Hosseini, Hosein Fooladi, Mohammad Reza Samsami

Abstract: Recognizing arrow of time in short stories is a challenging task. i.e., given only two paragraphs, determining which comes first and which comes next is a difficult task even for humans. In this paper, we have collected and curated a novel dataset for tackling this challenging task. We have shown that a pre-trained BERT architecture achieves reasonable accuracy on the task, and outperforms RNN-based architectures.

github. arXiv, Accepted at WiNLP 2019 workshop

  title={Recognizing Arrow Of Time In The Short Stories},
  author={Hosseini, Fahimeh and Fooladi, Hosein and Samsami, Mohammad Reza},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.10548},


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